Other Fulbright 2016 Blogs

Click the links below to navigate to other Fulbright Mexico blogs.

Mason in Mexico
Mason is also located in Toluca, Edomex. In fact, we are housemates right now!

Natalie's Fulbright Blog
Natalie is living in Xalapa, Veracruz, on the eastern coast of Mexico.

It's All the Same, Right?
Daniel shares his experiences in Querétaro, Querétaro. His blog also includes entries from his time in Mérida, Yucatan last year.

Outstretched Arms
Nicole's Tumblr showcases her travel experiences, including her 2015 Fulbright in Turkey.

Hagamos Puentes, En Vez de Muros
Travis writes from Puebla, Puebla. I'm a fan of his blog title, which translates to "Let's build bridges, instead of walls."

My Year as an English Teaching Assistant
Elaine is in Zapopan, Jalisco. Say that a couple times fast, just for fun. Zapopan. Zapopan. Zapopopopopopopopopan.

My Fulbright Journey
Vy has a technically-impressive site that describes her unexpected placement in Mérida, Yucatan. Vy hopes that the travel ban will be lifted on Oaxaca, her original placement, so that she can do some work there.

The Year of Tortillas
Caitlyn has been placed in Amecameca, a small city in the State of Mexico. She is on a similar rotating schedule as me.

[Adulting] Abroad
Xitlaly is an ETA in Mexico City. I noticed that she also but the disclaimer and cites sources on her blog, like me, so we probably should be Rule Following Friends.

Malissa's blog is well-written, funny, and includes posts both from her current placement in Mexico and also from a past stay in Argentina--- so I'm biased.

Soggy Guy in a Hammock
I feel like the blog title says it all. Go read about Jeremy's adventures in Campeche, a province in the far south of Mexico.

Expressions of a Gypsy Soul
Rachel's finely-aged travel blog explores her past stays in Argentina and the Dominican Republic, as well as her current stay here in Mexico.

Lily is undergoing an unexpected and sudden change of placement from Chiapas to Veracruz due to teacher strikes. She was extremely excited to be placed in Chiapas, and so is looking for a bright spot in this transition time.

The Freedom to Move Freely
Kelsey is using her time as a Fulbrighter to develop a deeper understanding of immigration between our two countries. Girl after my own heart! Kelsey is located in the province of Guanajuato.

The Girl Who Speaks Good English
Sarah is, like me, located within the State of Mexico. She is located in Ixtapan de la Sal, named a "Pueblo Mágico" (Magic Town).... which mean I definitely have to visit her!!

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