Monday, August 29, 2016

Did You Know?: Tortillas

 **This blog is not representative of the opinions of the US Department of State or COMEXUS.**

Until I find an apartment to live in, I am staying with my host institution tutor, Doris. On Sunday she took me and her two children (ages 16 and 24-- we get along well) to the local marketplace for lunch. It was SWARMED with people and was a bit of an overwhelming experience. The whole place was covered with a patchwork of tarps and roofs, to protect the market from the daily rains that occur in Toluca during the rainy season. These cast a colored glow on all the activity happening below.
I ate some lamb tacos with carrot and cactus:

And I took a stealthy photo of the eating area in the marketplace:

These photos occurred when I was rapidly trying to hide my camera after taking the picture so no one would know I was a gringa (they knew anyway):

Before I leave you, here a few more photos of the market (that I took with more success):

(click on photo to see it larger!)


  1. Love reading your blog, Bethany! Keep the entries coming.

    1. Thank you, Jackie! I love writing it, and I'm glad to share my experiences with you guys.

  2. Educational! My coworkers did not know, either, that tortillas have una cara y una espalda.

    1. Yeah, everyone here acts like I'm stupid because I wasn't born with this inherent knowledge as apparently all Mexicans are.
