Thursday, August 18, 2016

Comic: Packing

*This blog is not representative of the opinions of the US Department of State or COMEXUS.*

Ah-HA! I drew you into this post with the promise of a comic-- are you sorely disappointed to see only a barrage of oddly serif-less words?? Why don't we instead take this moment to register the way your disappointment affects your body? It's very important to understand the connection between your emotions and your physical response. Is there viselike tension in your shoulders? Your neck? Is there a knot of writhing snakes in the pit of your otherwise desolately empty stomach?

If so,
Take several deep breaths, focusing on the rise and fall of your chest. Remember to breathe in through the nose. I know there are a lot of other orifices to choose from, but it's really got to be the nose.

Remember that you only have control over your OWN sphere of influence. Worry about what you CAN control-- your response to stress. Try (k)not to concern yourself about the actions of others... i.e., me not putting a comic in this blog post which so BLATANTLY promised one.

There is a comic. Tricked you. Sorry not sorry. 

Please keep reading now that the good part is over

Longtime followers (cough cough Mr. Huggins cough cough) will be pleased to know that I am REQUIRED BY MY CONTRACT WITH THE FULBRIGHT PROGRAM to produce comics during my nine months abroad.
As part of the grant application, each applicant must propose a side project to complete in addition to teaching (since the teaching will occupy a maximum of 25 hours per week). My project? 
Comics about Mexico. 

Duh. Like, what did you think I was going to do...? 

Write original songs with my English students about the subject matter of each unit we cover in class?

Oh yeah... I did say I would do that, too.
Nothing like legal obligation to get a girl to follow through, heh heh!

To end, are there any lawyers out there who know if it is illegal to smuggle a cat across the border? Would she be considered an undocumented immigrant since she does not have a valid passport?
Yes hello government officials that was a joke okay thank you

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