Friday, August 12, 2016

Panic Time

*This blog does not represent the opinions of the US Department of State or COMEXUS.*


"MENTAL DISORDERS MAKE YOU BELIEVE SOMETHING THAT'S NOT TRUE. But the tricky part is, when you're in the middle of a distorted thought process, you can almost never tell. I constantly have to ask myself, "Is this a real worry, or an obsession? Is this something other people would worry about?" And a lot of the time I still can't figure it out. It isn't until later that you can look back with clarity to see where your brain was deceiving you."


It's PANIC TIME, folks.
The same sort of anxiety that nearly overwhelmed me just before my trip to Argentina is bearing down on me again. This is a hard, hard time. I'm finding comfort in my old Argentina blog entries like the one above, that tell me I have felt something like this before. It's not new.  

To those of you who are praying people, I ask you to please hold me up to the Lord. I'm stuck in the middle of thoughts that FEEL very real, but are far beyond the bounds of what most people would consider "rational" worries.

On a different note, I received my placement:


The poorly-drawn blue outline represents the province of Mexico. Yes, there is a province with the same name as the country (I didn't realize this either...we can all be fools together.) It's sort of like the USA having a state named "America."

My city placement and further details about my host school are yet to come. Please pray with me that I will have the strength and the peace of mind necessary to make it through this next week and arrive in Mexico in nine days.

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